Friday, June 25, 2010

A treat to French Cuisine ...

Merci beaucoup Eric pour me traiter cuisine française ;-))) This cover which was sent on 21 June, took just 4 days to reach Singapore.

The colourful minisheet was from the series of "La France comme j'aime" (or "France as i like") - and this year's topic is on gastronomy, entitled "Les saveurs de nos régions" (or "Tastes of our regions").

Issued on 12 June - the first day of "Salon du timbre 2010 - Planète Timbres" (or Stamp Exhibition 2010 - Stamps Planet, 12-20 June) in Exhibition Hall in Parc floral de Paris (Paris Botanic Gardens ?), this stamp issue comes in 2 booklets with 24 self-adhesive stamps in all, encompassing food from different regions in France.

Featuring in the minisheet above is
a. Caviar (Aquitaine region) - as starter
b. Chapon (Franche-Comté region) - or "castrated cockerel", as main course
c. Fourme d'Ambert (Auvergne region) - or "blue cheese", as cheese

d. Tarte Tatin (Centre region) - or "upside down apple tart", as dessert

It is worth noting that there were amazingly many (about 13 sets, WOW !!!) new stamps launched during this Salon du Timbre 2010, probably a good way to generate more revenue from stamp collectors ;-)

12 June
1. La France comme j'aime « Les saveurs de nos régions »
2. Jardins de France - Le Salon du Timbre 2010 « Jardins de Giverny »
3. Soyouz en Guyane
4. 150ème anniversaire - Rattachement de Nice à la France
5. La Marianne et l'Europe

13 June
6. Coupe du Monde de Football & timbre Football recto verso

14 June
7. « Art roman en France »

15 June
8. « Les Moulins » - Coin des collectionneurs

16 June
9. Singapour 2010 - Jeux Olympiques de la Jeunesse

17 June
10. Louise Bourgeois « Maman, 1999 »

18 June
11. L'appel du 18 juin 1940

19 June
12. Paris La Conciergerie – 83ème congrès FFAP

20 June
13. Exposition Universelle de Shanghai
Or you may take a look here.

1 comment:

  1. The caviar stamp is my favourite. I wouldn't mind having some Tarte Tatin :)

    French course
